CV - Publications
Contemporary Art
'A Very British Putsch': Brexit, Ireland and the Red Room
Fionna Murray, ''Blow Up' and Other Stories
Fantasy Islands: Pleasure and Bureaucracy in Artist Led Organizations
'Shirkin' the Ghosts of the Meantime' (Fugitive Papers)
'Hey, That's Interesting!': Richard Hamilton's 'Finn MacCool'
Global Enterprise: Gerard Byrne and Willie Doherty at the 2007 Venice Biennale
Aesthenia and the Critical: The Work of Ian Charlesworth
‘‘Tonguetied Sons of Bastards’ Ghosts’ (Essay on James Coleman)
‘Judge on Durée’: Shane Cullen’s 'Fragmens sur les Institutions Républicaines IV'
'Time and Tide' (Article on Littoral Conference, Dublin 1999)
Roger Palmer 'Starry Plough'
Ruby Wallis 'Unfixed Landscape'
Mads Holm 'About Common Ground'
Andrea Grützner, Erbgericht (Source Photographic Review)
David Penny 'Fragments, Monoliths, Portals'
Short Stories
‘Ambition and the Earnest’
Image taken from Loretta Lux,
At the Window
, 2005 (see review of
Innocence and Transgression (Through the Looking Glass: Childhood in Contemporary Photography)
, Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork, 2005)